1948: Top Secret Explosives (d20 Modern) For Discount

System: d20 Modern
Genre: Retro-Sci-Fi
Interior Illustrations: 6
Page Count (including cover and OGL): 15
This supplement features 8 different explosive and incendiary devices and 5 different firing devices designed for saboteurs working behind enemy lines. These devices are designed to facilitate concealment and disguise as well as cause a great deal of destruction. For example, a single firefly can destroy an entire vehicle and kill everyone inside, but it is small enough to conceal in the palm of a man s hand. Capsules H are smaller still and can create tremendous explosions, throwing buckshot, burning oil, acid, and shards of glass in every direction!
This supplement also features some interesting detonation devices with variable time delays and a new feat for blowing things up.
Add this collection of Top Secret Explosives to your game of 20th century espionage today!
Additional Information
Format | |
System | d20 Modern |